With R’ Alex Hool discussing his new book, “Pharaoh: Biblical History, Egypt, And the Missing Millennium” (about the biblical Pharaoh)

With R' Alex Hool discussing his new book, “Pharaoh: Biblical History, Egypt, And the Missing Millennium” about the biblical Pharaoh. 
R' Hool explains the background of the Egyptian dynasties, his hypothesis, who was the biblical pharaoh and who was the pharaoh at the time of Yosef, and much more. 

We also discuss his first book, “The challenge of Jewish History: The Bible, The Greeks, And The Missing 168 Years” and his 2nd book, “Searching for Sinai: The Location of Revelation”.
Also mentioned was his recent article in Ami magazine about the location of Gan Eden.

To purchase Pharaoh: https://mosaicapress.com/product/pharaoh/

To purchase The Challenge of Jewish History: https://mosaicapress.com/product/the-challenge-of-jewish-history/

To purchase Searching for Sinai:  https://mosaicapress.com/product/searching-for-sinai-the-location-of-revelation/

For more information or to sponsor a show, please email seforimchatter@gmail.com

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