With R’ Dovid Cohen of the cRc discussing his new book, “Alcoholic Beverages: The Halachos of alcoholic beverages, wine, and grape juice as they apply in the modern era arranged according to the order of the Shulchan Aruch”


With R' Dovid Cohen of the cRc discussing his new book, “Alcoholic Beverages: The Halachos of Alcoholic Beverages, wine, and grape juice as they apply in the modern era arranged according to the order of the Shulchan Aruch”.

We discussed Sherry cask, mevushal, kiddush on grape juice, grape juice from concentrate, light grape juice,  Starbucks, Teavana, why he chose to self-publish the book in a print-on-demand way, and much more.

To purchase the book: https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/rabbi-dovid-cohen/kashrus-halacha-alcoholic-beverages/hardcover/product-gp7n7j.html?page=1&pageSize=4

To purchase the other books: http://www.kashrushalacha.com

For more information or to sponsor a show, please email seforimchatter@gmail.com

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