With R’ Manes Blumenfrucht discussing the Kosher Milk Controversy of America and his new Sefer Chalav Treifah


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With R' Manes Blumenfrucht discussing the Kosher Milk Controversy of America and his new Sefer Chalav Treifah regarding the controversy 

We discussed the controversy and how it arose, what the issue was (left displaced abomasum), what the heter was, the Rabbonim's approach, the dairy process in America, his own research and the prevalence  of the disease, how farms commonly deal with such cows, the process of how milk gets to the store shelf, the author's permissible approach of why the milk should be allowed regardless of the surgeries, and more. 

To contact the author: mmblumenfrucht@gmail.com 

To purchase the Sefer: https://www.chalavtreifah.com/

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