Shaar Cards: Learning the History of the Rishonim through Cards (with R’ Levi Goldwasser)

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We discussed why R' Goldwasser created these cards, why start with Rishonim, the research that went into creating the cards, how the cards were created, Haskamos, future projects, and more

To purchase a set of Shaar Cards:

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Rabbi Meir (Maharam) of Rothenburg (1215 – 1293) (with Rabbi Prof. Ephraim Kanarfogel)

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Sponsored by Gluck Plumbing.

We discussed Rabbi Meir's youth, studies in France, witnessing the burning of the Talmud in France in 1240, return to Germany, method as a posek, different prints and editions of his shailos u'teshuvos, other writings, and much more.

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Halachah: Evasion, Avoidance, and Workarounds (with Rabbi Daniel Feldman)

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This episode is sponsored by RIETS Press. To find this book and the rest of the RIETS Press library visit

To listen to shiurim from Rabbi Feldman on these topic and many others visit

  This episode of the podcast is also sponsored by Rabbi Shmuel Reich, ADHD Coach, and host of The ADHD Heroes Podcast.

ADHD can impact not only attention, but also memory, organization, and other skills that can affect responsibilities at home, productivity at work, studies for school or yeshiva, or even an adult's personal learning. Rabbi Reich is an experienced ADHD coach who helps adults, teens, and couples create personalized strategies for greater success at work, improved studies, and reclaimed shalom bayis. Rabbi Reich can be reached for one on one or couples coaching at or

Check out Rabbi Reich's newly released podcast, entitled The ADHD Heroes Podcast, in which he interviews professionals who help those with ADHD, as well as those with ADHD themselves, to learn valuable information, useful tips and strategies, and, most importantly, inspiring stories of success around living and thriving with ADHD. The ADHD Heroes Podcast is available on all major podcast platforms including Apple:


If you would like to share your ADHD story on The ADHD Heroes Podcast, you can email Rabbi Reich at

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Rabbi Michoel Forshlager (1883 – 1958) (with Pinny Kreizel)

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For mor information about Rabbi Forshlager, visit the website:

To purchase Rabbi Forshlager's Seforim:

We discussed Rabbi Forshlager's life, as a talmid of the Avnei Nezer, move to America, life in Baltimore, his Torah and style of Torah, writings, and much more.
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History of the Jews in the Netherlands (Amsterdam) (with Prof. Bart Wallet)

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Sponsored by Genazym

To peruse the catalogue and bid on items:

To purchase “Reappraising the History of the Jews in the Netherlands”:

We discussed Dutch Jewry in the Middle Ages, the Spanish-Portugese community of Amsterdam, the Ashkenazic community of Amsterdam, Pekidim V'Amarkalim, 19th century, Dutch Jewry during and post WWII, and more.

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AuctionChatter: Genazym 19 – the Toporowitch Collection

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Sponsored by Genazym

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Rav Zvi Hirsch Kalischer (1795 – 1874) (with Prof. Asaf Yedidya)

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We discussed Rav Zvi Hirsch bio (student of the Nesivos [Rav Yaakov Loerberbaum] and Rav Akiva Eiger), as Rabbi of Torún for 40 years, his ambitious letter to Baron Rothschild, his project to restart korbanos and Sefer Drishas Tzion, his writings and thought as a forerunner of religious zionism, his impact on religious zionism, the un fortunate state of his writings today and more. 

To purchase Jody Myers “Seeking Zion: Modernity and Messianic Activism in the Writings of Tsevi Hirsch Kalischer”:

To purchase Prof. Yedidya's new Hebrew bio:

To purchase the old Hebrew bio:

To purchase an old edition of Drishas Tzion (the Mossad Harav Kook is the best, but is out of print):

To see Sefer HaBris on Bereishis:

Emunah Yesharah Vol 1:
> Emunah Yesharah Vol 2:

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AuctionChatter: Legacy Judaica 11.3.24 (with R’ Moshe Maimon)

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This episode is sponsored by Legacy Auction. To register and bid on the forthcoming auction Sunday, November 3rd at 1PM click here:

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Sefer Chezyonos: The Mystical Autobiography of Rav Chaim Vital (with Dr. Morris Faierstein)

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This episode is sponsored by Legacy Auction. To register and bid on the forthcoming auction Sunday, November 3rd at 1PM click here:

To purchase “Book of Visions” (English translation of Sefer Chezyonos):

We discussed the bio of Rav Chaim Vital (Calabrese), the 4 parts of Sefer Chezyonos, the history of the manuscript, Komarno autobiograophy, and more.

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