
Rav Kook: Life & Legacy – Episode 3 (with Prof. Yehudah Mirsky)

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> This mini-series is sponsored by Maggid Books, a division of Koren Jerusalem, who is  the proud publisher of several works by Rav Kook including a commentary on the siddur compiled by Rabbi Bezalel Naor, and the newly translated Hadarav: In his inner chamber – a collection of Rav Kooks most intimate writings found in his personal notebooks from throughout his career.

Get 10% off all Koren and Maggid books with code SeforimChatter – click here for a list of the Rav Kook titles published by Maggid

This episode

To purchase Prof. Mirsky's biography “Rav Kook: Mystic in a Time of Revoloution” click here.

To purchase Prof. Mirsky's book about the first part of Rav Kook's life “Towards the Mystical Experience of Modernity: The Making of Rav Kook, 1865 – 1904” click here.
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.

>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

Rav Kook: Life & Legacy – Episode 2 (with Prof. Yehudah Mirsky)

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> This mini-series is sponsored by Maggid Books, a division of Koren Jerusalem, who is  the proud publisher of several works by Rav Kook including a commentary on the siddur compiled by Rabbi Bezalel Naor, and the newly translated Hadarav: In his inner chamber – a collection of Rav Kooks most intimate writings found in his personal notebooks from throughout his career.

Get 10% off all Koren and Maggid books with code SeforimChatter – click here for a list of the Rav Kook titles published by Maggid.

This episode picks up where episode 1 left off, and discusses Rav Kook's life during his first stay in the land of Israel and ends with his return as the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem after spending WWI in Europe.

To purchase Prof. Mirsky's biography “Rav Kook: Mystic in a Time of Revoloution” click here.

To purchase Prof. Mirsky's book about the first part of Rav Kook's life “Towards the Mystical Experience of Modernity: The Making of Rav Kook, 1865 – 1904” click here.
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.

>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

Rav Kook: Life & Legacy – Episode 1 (with Prof. Yehudah Mirsky)

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This mini-series is sponsored by Maggid Books, a division of Koren Jerusalem, who is  the proud publisher of several works by Rav Kook including a commentary on the siddur compiled by Rabbi Bezalel Naor, and the newly translated Hadarav: In his inner chamber – a collection of Rav Kooks most intimate writings found in his personal notebooks from throughout his career.

Get 10% off all Koren and Maggid books with code SeforimChatter – click here for a list of the Rav Kook titles published by Maggid 

This 1st episode is also sponsored  by Simon and Danielle Springer in honor of the Midwest Torah Center and its Kollel Zakeinim, entering its second year. in South Bend, Indiana.

In a town where you can live like a mensch, in a Kollel geared towards giving the opportunity for all levels to transition into learning part or full time, Midwest Torah Center's Kollel Zakeinim  has become a huge hit, drawing new members locally and from all over the United States, to South Bend.

Visit the website for more information about the Shul and the Kollel Zakeinim, as well as Parnas HaYom, HaShavua, and HaChodesh options.

This episode focused on the first part of Rav Kook's life until becoming Rabbi of Jaffa in then-Palestine and his move to the land of Israel in 1904. 

To purchase Prof. Mirsky's biography “Rav Kook: Mystic in a Time of Revoloution” click here.

To purchase Prof. Mirsky's book about the first part of Rav Kook's life “Towards the Mystical Experience of Modernity: The Making of Rav Kook, 1865 – 1904” click here.

To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.

>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

Death, Graves, Burial, and associated subjects in Judaism (with R’ Yaakov Sofer)

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This episode of the podcast is sponsored by Eli and Eva Genauer in memory of her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Offenbacher. האשה גיטל בת ר׳ אליעזר. Mrs Offenbacher was a Baalas Chesed extraordinaire as she was involved with the Chevra Kadisha wherever she lived, in New Rochelle, Far Rockaway, the upper west side and in her later years, in Seattle, Washington. She taught many younger women the intricacies of doing things in the correct manner while being involved in this Chesed Shel Emes and her influence is still felt today. May her memory be a blessing.

Discussed on this episode: Kevurah, Kissing.touching a dead body, visiting kevarim, davening by kevarim, Yerusha & Rabbanus, and more.

To purchase Sefer U'Bimosam Lo Nifradu click here.

To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.

>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

The Jews of Jamaica (with Prof. Stanley Mirvis)

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This episode of the podcast sponsored by Rabbi Shmuel Reich, ADHD Coach, and host of The ADHD Heroes Podcast

ADHD can impact not only attention, but also memory, organization, and other skills that can affect responsibilities at home, productivity at work, studies for school or yeshiva, or even an adult's personal learning. Rabbi Reich is an experienced ADHD coach who helps adults, teens, and couples create personalized strategies for greater success at work, improved studies, and reclaimed shalom bayis. Rabbi Reich can be reached for one on one or couples coaching at or

Check out Rabbi Reich's newly released podcast, entitled The ADHD Heroes Podcast, in which he interviews professionals who help those with ADHD, as well as those with ADHD themselves, to learn valuable information, useful tips and strategies, and, most importantly, inspiring stories of success around living and thriving with ADHD. The ADHD Heroes Podcast is available on all major podcast platforms including Apple and Spotify.

If you would like to share your ADHD story on The ADHD Heroes Podcast, you can email Rabbi Reich at

We discussed the origins of the Jews in Jamaica, sources used to research them and the lack of available sources, using wills, Rabbi Josiah Pardo, other Rabbi's, the earthquake and destruction of Port Royal, Kingston, Ashkenazim vs Sefardim in Jamaica, and much more.

To purchase “The Jews of Eighteenth Century Jamaica” click here.

To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.

>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

Subscribe to the SeforimChatter YouTube channel here.

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TLT Episode 17: The Bnei Menashe (ft. Hillel Halkin)

Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.


Corporate sponsor of the series: Gluck Plumbing.

For all your service needs big or small in NJ with a full service division, from boiler change outs, main sewer line snake outs, camera-ing main lines, to a simple faucet leak, Gluck Plumbing Service Division has you covered. Give them a call –   732-523-1836 x 1.

To purchase “Across The Sabbath River” click here.

We discussed the Mr. Halkin's travels, the Bnei Menashe's history & traditions, and more.

>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

Subscribe to the SeforimChatter YouTube channel here.

Subscribe and read the SeforimChatter Substack here.

Tisha B’Av Kinnos & Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik (ft. Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter)

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To purchase “The Lord is Righteous in All His Ways” (out of print – limoted availability) click here.

To purchase the Mesorat Harav Kinnot click here.

We discussed when & why Rabbi Soloveitchik began his Tisha B'Av program, how long he would speak, what he would speak about, his opinion on Holocaust Kinnos (and by extension Rabbi Schacter's opinion on October 7th Kinnos), how we can connect to Kinnos, exaples from Kinnos, and more.

To listen to prior years Seforimchatter Tisha B'Av podcasts:

  1. History of Kinnos

  2. Judean Revolt episode one, two, and three

  3. Josephus

  4. Aggados Chazal about the Churban

TLT Episode 16: The Recent Increase in Interest in TLT (ft. Prof. Shalva Weil)

Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.


Corporate sponsor of the series: Gluck Plumbing.

For all your service needs big or small in NJ with a full service division, from boiler change outs, main sewer line snake outs, camera-ing main lines, to a simple faucet leak, Gluck Plumbing Service Division has you covered. Give them a call –   732-523-1836 x 1.

We discussed the uptick in interest in TLT, groups that claim to be associated with TLT, Ethipioan Jews, Lemba, we focused on the Bnei Menashe and their traditions, claims, how they ended up in Israel, the globalization of TLT, and more.
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.

>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

Subscribe to the SeforimChatter YouTube channel here.

Subscribe and read the SeforimChatter Substack here.

Jerusalem Through the Ages: From Its Beginnings to the Crusades (ft. Prof. Jodi Magness)

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This episode is sponsored by the Nine Days to Redemption podcast. During this season of communal mourning for the destruction of ancient Jerusalem and its Temples, join Dr. Erica Brown as she encounters classical Jewish texts integrated with Rabbi Sacks's wisdom and news stories of Israel's current war. Each podcast ends with a personal challenge to bring redemption each and every day.

To listen to Nine Days to Redemption podcast with Dr. Erica Brown click here.

> We discussed the history of Jerusalem, the Caananite period, the size of early Jerusalem, Jerusalem under Dovid HaMelech's reign, Chizkiyah's reign, Babylonian conquest, Hasmonean Jerusalem, Herodian Jerusalem, the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash, post-Churban Jerusalem, Aelia Capitolina, Byzantine Jerusalem, Islamic, Crusader, how archeology is used in Jerusalem, and much more

To purchase “Jerusalem Through the Ages: From Its Beginnings to the Crusades
” click here

To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.

>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

Subscribe to the SeforimChatter YouTube channel here.

Subscribe and read the SeforimChatter Substack here.

TLT Episode 15: The Modern Ten Lost Tribes – Ethiopian Jews, The Lemba Tribe, and Black Jews of Africa and America (ft. Prof. Tudor Parfitt)

Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.


Corporate sponsor of the series: Gluck Plumbing.

For all your service needs big or small in NJ with a full service division, from boiler change outs, main sewer line snake outs, camera-ing main lines, to a simple faucet leak, Gluck Plumbing Service Division has you covered. Give them a call –   732-523-1836 x 1.

To purchase “Journey To The Vanished City” click here.

To purchase “Black Jews in Africa and the Americas” click here.

To purchase “Lost Ark of The Covenant: The Remarkable Quest for the Legendary Ark” click here.

We discussed the history and customs of Ethiopian Jews, the history of the Lemba tribes, their origins, where they live, what it was like to travel amongst them, customs and unique rituals of the Lemba, the theory of Lost Tribes among the tribes in Africa, Black Jews in America, DNA and its role in the search for the Ten Lost Tribes, and much more.

To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.

>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

Subscribe to the SeforimChatter YouTube channel here.

Subscribe and read the SeforimChatter Substack here.