
TLT Series Episode 12: Prof. Elizabeth Fenton – The Hebraic Indian Theory

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Corporate sponsor of the series: Gluck Plumbing.

For all your service needs big or small in NJ with a full service division, from boiler change outs, main sewer line snake outs, camera-ing main lines, to a simple faucet leak, Gluck Plumbing Service Division has you covered. Give them a call –   732-523-1836 x 1.

We discussed the legend of the Nativa Americans as the Ten Lost Tribes, where the legend began, Thomas Thowogood, James Adair, Mormons and the connection to the Ten Lost Tribes, the hollow earth theory, and much more.

To purchase “Old Canaan in a New World” click here.

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With R’ Moyshe (Mitchell) Silk discussing the Kedushas Levi and his new English edition

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We discussed R' Moyshe's background (including his job in the Treasury Department in the Trump administration), his interest in the Kedushas LEvi, Rav Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev's bio, what the translation project entailed, the challenges in translation and especially of a chasidic sefer, why not notes/commentary, and more.

To purchase the 3 Volume set of the Kedushas Levi from Amazon click here.

To purchase from Artscroll click here.

To purchase just volume 1 click here, vol 2 here, and vol 3 here.

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>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

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TLT Series Episode 11: Prof. Sina Rauschenbach – Rabbi Menashe ben Israel and the Ten Lost Tribes

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Corporate sponsor of the series: Gluck Plumbing.
For all your service needs big or small in NJ with a full service division, from boiler change outs, main sewer line snake outs, camera-ing main lines, to a simple faucet leak, Gluck Plumbing Service Division has you covered. Give them a call –   732-523-1836 x 1.

We discussed Menashe's life, his works, his interest in the TLT, Antonio de Montezinos, Menashe's connection with Millenerians, why he wrote Mikve Yisrael, Christian reaction to Mikve Yisrael, and much more.

To purchase Rabbi Menashe ben Israel's “Hope of Israel” in English click here.

To purchase Mikve Yisrael in Hebrew click here.

To purchase (an old edition) of Nishmas Chaim click here.

To purchase Prof. Steven Nadler's bio of MBI click here.

To purcahse Prof. Rauschenbach's book about MBI click here.

To purchase Miriam Bodian's book about the origins of the Amsterdam Jewish Community click here.

To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.

>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

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With Rav Aharon Lopiansky discussing his new book for Yeshiva Bochurim (“Ben Yeshiva: A Pathway of Aliyah”)

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This episode is sponsored by Feldheim Publishers.

Check out Feldheim's extensive list of titles, including the recently published biography of Rav Shlomo Brevda.

Rav Shlomo Leib Brevda was a world renowned ba’al mussar, public speaker and personal guide to countless students. Devoted talmid of some of the greatest Torah authorities of his time — including Rav Yechezkel Levenstein, the Chazon Ish and the Brisker Rav — he was instrumental in passing their wisdom on to the next generation. He also authored extensive commentaries on the writings of the Vilna Gaon and was considered a world authority on the Gra’s writings.

In this fascinating biography, we see the tremendous influence of the Mashgiach Reb Chatzkel, Rav Brevda’s own startling impact and his passionate commitment to truth. Overcoming the materialism that surrounded the society of his youth, he grew to such spiritual heights that one could easily have imagined him to have been born and raised in the mussar yeshivos of pre-war Europe. Now his life and teachings can inspire a new generation thirsting for the word of Hashem.

To purchase, “Rav Shlomo Leib Brevda: The Life and Teachings of an American-born Gadol” click here.

This episode is also sponsored by Cedar Media Studies.

Cedar Media Studios is a creative agency specializing in the strategic creation and successful execution of audio/visual communication strategies for top level influencers. Their team is there to assist those navigating podcasting, audio production & marketing. They help you grow your audience through the latest trends in digital marketing and bring years of experience in the audio and design world to best optimize and market our clients.

Contact Cedar Media Studios via Whatsapp or email:

> ON THIS EPISODE OF THE PODCAST we discussed why a book for Yeshiva Bochurim, how to balance writing such a book for a general audience, the “system”, B'Iyun, Bekius, learning with a chavrusah, mussar, chumash, halacha, niyonos of Yeshiva Yochurim (smoking, drinking, etc.), jealousy, outlets for bochurim (inlcuding history), who the book is meant for, and much more.

To purchase “Ben Yeshiva: Pathway of Aliyah” click here.

To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.

>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

Subscribe to the SeforimChatter YouTube channel here.

Subscribe and read the SeforimChatter Substack here.

With J.J. Kimche discussing C.D. Ginsburg (1825 – 1914)

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We discussed Ginsburg's bio, his conversion to Christianity, why Ginsburg was important, his work on the Masorah, his part in the infamous Shapira affair, his attitude towards Jews, his works, the forthcoming facsimilie edition of his Otzar Roshei Teivot, and more.

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>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

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AcutionChatter: With R’ Moshe Maimon discussing the Genazym 18 Auction Catalogue

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Sponsored by Genazym

To peruse the catalogue and bid on items click here.

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With R’ Alex Hool discussing the location of Har Sinai

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This episode is sponsored by Genazym – Stefansky for the publication of the 2nd edition of Sifrei Yesod. The new edition is revised, corrected, and includes a new section on incunabula (Seforim printed pre-1500).  To purchase the new edition of Sifrei Yesod with free shipping click here.

We discussed the general view of where Har Sinai is, the issue with these opinions, where R' Hool thinks it is, proofs, and more.

To purchase “Searching for Sinai” click here.

To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.

>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

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With Rabbi Basil Herring discussing R. Yosef Ibn Kaspi (1279 – 1340)

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Sponsored by Torah Auctions. To peruse the catalogue, register, and bid on items for their forthcoming auction on Tuesday, June 4th at 1PM EST click here.

To view Rabbi Herring's edition of Gevia HaKessef click here.

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>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

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AuctionChatter: With R’ Moshe Maimon discussing the Royal Auction House – Auction 10 Catalogue

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To register and bid on items click here

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>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

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With R’ Daniel Glatstein discussing Lag BaOmer

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We discussed the history of Lag BaOmer, how it became a “Yom Tov”, whetehr Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai's Yahrtzeit is actualy on Lag BaOmer, those who visited Meron, mistake about Rav Ovadiah Bertinoro and bonfires, the Chasam Sofer's opinion about Lag BaOmer and the discrepancy between his Shailos U'Teshuvos and his Derashos, and. ore.

To purchase, “LAg BaOmer: The Fire and the Soul” click here

To purchase, “Rebbi Meir Baal Haness and the eternal Children of Hashem” click here

To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.

>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

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