With Rav Immanuel Bernstein discussing Rav Yehuda Copperman ZT’L and Pshuto Shel Mikra


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  This episode is sponsored in honor of restarting sefer breishis by Rabbi Dovid Asher, Rabbi of Keneseth Beth Israel, the OU shul in Richmond, Virginia, and author of Outreach in the Torah by Mosaica Press, a week by week analysis of how every sedra sends a message on the importance of reaching out to our fellow To purchase the book: https://amzn.to/3MmMR1X

** Dedicated לזכר ולעלוי נשמת הרב יהודה בן אברהם שמחה – Rav Yehuda Copperman זצ״ל, by a pair of of his Talmidim in London who learn his masterpiece on פשוטו של מקרא together: R’ Nechemya Sheinfeld (מחבר of חומש דעת עזרא, commentary on the Ibn Ezra, who has previously been interviewed on the podcast), andMoishe Dovid Spitzer, in grateful appreciation of all he gained from having the huge Zechus to learn bechavrusa with Rav Copperman.

Also dedicated in honour and appreciation of the interviewee in this podcast, Rav Immanuel Bernstein, תלמיד מובהק of Rav Copperman. ** 

We discussed the bio and life of Rav Yehuda Copperman ZT'L (founder of Michlala and editor of the Meshech Chochmah and other Seforim), how “Peshat” & “Pshuto Shel Mikra” is defined, what is really “Pshat” and what is really “Pirush”,  the “why” vs the “how”, broad themes of Rav Copperman and examples, the English adaptation, and much more.

How to order Pshuto Shel Mikra:

To order:   https://secure.cardknox.com/michlalah.

English Edition: The cost is only US$39.99 including shipping.
List your name and mailing address in the personal comments section and for description choose Publications from the dropdown menu. Your order will be in the mail within two weeks.

Hebrew Editions:

One Volume ‘P’shuto on the Parsha’ is only US$18.00, including shipping. List your name and mailing address in the personal comments section and for description choose Publications from the dropdown menu. Your order will be in the mail within two weeks.

Multi-Volume classic ‘Pshuto Shel Mikra’ is only US$39.99 including shipping. List your name and mailing address in the personal comments section and for description choose “Publications” from the dropdown menu. Your order will be in the mail within two weeks.

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