The Kesser Torah Yeshiva System of Radomsk (with Dovi Safier)

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We discussed the Radomsk Chasidus, the last Rebbe of Radomsk (Rav Shlomo Chanoch Hakohen Rabinowitz), the Rebbe's wealth, the Kesser Torah Yeshiva System, the sad demise of the Radomsk Chasidus and the Yeshiva system, how Dovi works on these articles, Yom Tov book recommendations, and more.

Check out the full article by Dovi Safier in the Mishpacha Sukkos edition

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With Rabbi Mosge Taragin discussing October 7th and its aftermath

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We discussed religious issues (Kiddush Hashem, distorted version of Olam Habah, etc), Anti-semitism, Geulah, and more.

Purchase “Dark Clouds Above, Faith Below”:

Pre-order “Reclaiming Redemption: Deciphering the Maze of Jewish History”:

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The Making of Minhagei Yomim Nora’im (with Rabbi Moshe Walter)

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To purchase “The Making of a Minhag” click here.

We discussed what a Minhag is, Minhag vs Halacha, valid minhag vs minhag taus, Shul/communal/family minhgaim, Reciting L'Dovid, Weddings during Elul, dipping the Apple in honey and other Simanim, Hataras Nedarim and Mesiras Moda'ah, changing Yomim Nora'im tunes, Kol Nidrei, sleeping in the Sukkah in Chutz L'Aretz, reading V'Zos HaBerachah on Simchas Torah evening, and more.

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Rav Dovid Hakohen Rapaport, the Mikdash Dovid (1890 – 1941) (with Yehuda Geberer)

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This episode is sponsored by Mosaica Press. Check out their many titles, including the newly published Rabbi's Responsa: Moadim, the first book in Rabbi Akiva Willig’s groundbreaking new halachah series.

This work offers a timely opportunity to explore the responses to fascinating and relevant halachic sh’eilos that were asked in real time on an active WhatsApp group. From Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, Sukkos and Simchas Torah, Rabbi Willig provides hundreds of clear answers replete with chiddushim and practical insights.

To purchase “Rabbi's Responsa: Moadim” click here.

We discussed Rav Dovid's bio, Slabodka – Kovno Kollel, Yeshiva of Baranovitch, Rav Dovid as R”M in Baranovitch, WWII, capture of the Russians, Death in a Russian camp, Seforim (Tzemach Dovid, Mikdash Dovid, Shiurim), and more.

For questions, comments, more notes, contact

To purchase the new 3 volume Shiurei Mikdash Dovid click here.

Check out the Jewish History Soundbites podcast.

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The Jews of Modena, Italy (with Prof. Federica Francesconi)

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This podcast episode is sponsored by the Touro Graduate School of Jewish Studies, a leading academic program in Jewish Studies that equips students with the tools to search out their own unique path into the study of Jewish history and scholarship. Based in NYC, the Touro Graduate School of Jewish Studies provides a supportive environment and personal attention from world-class faculty, seminar-style courses, one-on-one mentorship opportunities, and career advancement guidance. Students can study in person or complete the program online from anywhere in the world. Offerings include a Master of Arts degree in Jewish Studies with concentrations in Jewish History and Jewish Education, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Jewish history, literature, and thought.

For more information on admission to the Touro Graduate School of Jewish Studies, including scholarship opportunities, please visit or call 212-463-0400, ext. 55580.

To purchase “Invisible Enlighteners” click here.

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Machon Ofeq edition of the Toras Kohanim (with R’ Yehuda Shoshana)

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Episode Sponsor: Mosaica Press

Check out their many titles including the Talmud Treasury:
    ⁃    Imagine having at your fingertips the wisdom of the ages, the stories of our greatest Sages, and the insights that have shaped generations—all in one accessible, beautifully crafted volume. That’s exactly what you’ll find in The Talmud Treasury by Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman.

Rabbi Zimmerman, known for his deep understanding and engaging teaching style, has created something truly extraordinary. The Talmud Treasury is your key to the world of Torah Shebe’al Peh—a treasure trove of fascinating facts, stories, and the context you need to fully appreciate the timeless debates and teachings of our Sages.

Why does this matter to you? Because understanding the background and lives of the Tannaim, Amoraim, and figures from Tanach brings their teachings to life. You’ll not only learn what they said but why they said it. Imagine sharing these stories with your children, bringing them closer to our mesorah, or deepening your own learning with insights that shed new light on familiar texts.

Now is the time to enrich your study and understanding of the Talmud. For just $29.99, you can own this nearly 600-page hardcover that is destined to become a cherished part of your library. Whether you’re a seasoned scholar or just beginning your journey into Torah study, The Talmud Treasury is a must-have.

Get your copy now here and use the code 'Chatter' for an exclusive 15% off!

We discussed a history of Machon Ofeq, an overview of Toras Kohanim, the various commentators on Toras Kohanim throughout the centuries, what is unique to the Machon Ofeq Toras Kohanim, and more.

To contact R” Yehuda Shoshana: 908-692-8706 or email

 > To purchase the Machon Ofeq Toras Kohanim:
Volume 5-6 click here, Vol 7 click here.

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Rav Kook: Life & Legacy – Episode 3 (with Prof. Yehudah Mirsky)

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> This mini-series is sponsored by Maggid Books, a division of Koren Jerusalem, who is  the proud publisher of several works by Rav Kook including a commentary on the siddur compiled by Rabbi Bezalel Naor, and the newly translated Hadarav: In his inner chamber – a collection of Rav Kooks most intimate writings found in his personal notebooks from throughout his career.

Get 10% off all Koren and Maggid books with code SeforimChatter – click here for a list of the Rav Kook titles published by Maggid

This episode

To purchase Prof. Mirsky's biography “Rav Kook: Mystic in a Time of Revoloution” click here.

To purchase Prof. Mirsky's book about the first part of Rav Kook's life “Towards the Mystical Experience of Modernity: The Making of Rav Kook, 1865 – 1904” click here.
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.

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Rav Kook: Life & Legacy – Episode 2 (with Prof. Yehudah Mirsky)

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> This mini-series is sponsored by Maggid Books, a division of Koren Jerusalem, who is  the proud publisher of several works by Rav Kook including a commentary on the siddur compiled by Rabbi Bezalel Naor, and the newly translated Hadarav: In his inner chamber – a collection of Rav Kooks most intimate writings found in his personal notebooks from throughout his career.

Get 10% off all Koren and Maggid books with code SeforimChatter – click here for a list of the Rav Kook titles published by Maggid.

This episode picks up where episode 1 left off, and discusses Rav Kook's life during his first stay in the land of Israel and ends with his return as the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem after spending WWI in Europe.

To purchase Prof. Mirsky's biography “Rav Kook: Mystic in a Time of Revoloution” click here.

To purchase Prof. Mirsky's book about the first part of Rav Kook's life “Towards the Mystical Experience of Modernity: The Making of Rav Kook, 1865 – 1904” click here.
> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.

>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

Rav Kook: Life & Legacy – Episode 1 (with Prof. Yehudah Mirsky)

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This mini-series is sponsored by Maggid Books, a division of Koren Jerusalem, who is  the proud publisher of several works by Rav Kook including a commentary on the siddur compiled by Rabbi Bezalel Naor, and the newly translated Hadarav: In his inner chamber – a collection of Rav Kooks most intimate writings found in his personal notebooks from throughout his career.

Get 10% off all Koren and Maggid books with code SeforimChatter – click here for a list of the Rav Kook titles published by Maggid 

This 1st episode is also sponsored  by Simon and Danielle Springer in honor of the Midwest Torah Center and its Kollel Zakeinim, entering its second year. in South Bend, Indiana.

In a town where you can live like a mensch, in a Kollel geared towards giving the opportunity for all levels to transition into learning part or full time, Midwest Torah Center's Kollel Zakeinim  has become a huge hit, drawing new members locally and from all over the United States, to South Bend.

Visit the website for more information about the Shul and the Kollel Zakeinim, as well as Parnas HaYom, HaShavua, and HaChodesh options.

This episode focused on the first part of Rav Kook's life until becoming Rabbi of Jaffa in then-Palestine and his move to the land of Israel in 1904. 

To purchase Prof. Mirsky's biography “Rav Kook: Mystic in a Time of Revoloution” click here.

To purchase Prof. Mirsky's book about the first part of Rav Kook's life “Towards the Mystical Experience of Modernity: The Making of Rav Kook, 1865 – 1904” click here.

To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.

>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)

Death, Graves, Burial, and associated subjects in Judaism (with R’ Yaakov Sofer)

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This episode of the podcast is sponsored by Eli and Eva Genauer in memory of her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Offenbacher. האשה גיטל בת ר׳ אליעזר. Mrs Offenbacher was a Baalas Chesed extraordinaire as she was involved with the Chevra Kadisha wherever she lived, in New Rochelle, Far Rockaway, the upper west side and in her later years, in Seattle, Washington. She taught many younger women the intricacies of doing things in the correct manner while being involved in this Chesed Shel Emes and her influence is still felt today. May her memory be a blessing.

Discussed on this episode: Kevurah, Kissing.touching a dead body, visiting kevarim, davening by kevarim, Yerusha & Rabbanus, and more.

To purchase Sefer U'Bimosam Lo Nifradu click here.

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>  To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email (Zelle/QP this email address)