Daf Yomi: With R’ Moshe Schwed of AllDaf discussing various Seforim & Meforshim on Mesechtas Yoma


With R' Moshe Schwed of AllDaf discussing various Seforim & Meforshim on Mesechtas Yoma.

To purchase Siach Yitzchak: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CDGLKOE/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_api_glt_fabc_951VNMBXMV2NV1ARMYK8

To purchase the Shita Ksav Yad: http://www.moroccanhalacha.com/bookstore/

To watch the episode: https://alldaf.org/blogs/28

For questions or comments, please email Seforimchatter@gmail.com

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