With Prof. Neil Netanel (Pete Kameron Endowed Chair in Law at UCLA) discussing the history of Jewish Copyright Law.
We focused on Prof. Netanel's book, “From Maimonides to Microsoft: The Jewish Law of Copyright Since the Birth of Print” and discussed how it came to be, Book priviliges, Maharam Padua, the Rama, and the famous disagreement between Giustiniani & Bragadini, other various rabbinic “reprinting bans”, and more.
To purchase the booK (the paperback is quite affordable so please disregard what I said on the podcast): https://www.amazon.com/Maimonides-Microsoft-Jewish-Copyright-Since-dp-0190868775/dp/0190868775/ref=mt_other?_encoding=UTF8&me=&qid=1622948499
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