With Michelle Margolis and Sharon Liberman Mintz discussing the Jews of Corfu and their new exhibit about them
We discussed the Jewish communities of Corfu, their minhagim, printing history, polemic about singing krias shema with a nigun, esrogim of Corfu, famous rabbinic figures in Corfu, ketubot of Corfu, and more
For the online exhibit: https://exhibitions.library.columbia.edu/exhibits/show/jews_corfu
For the exhibit at Columbia: https://blogs.cul.columbia.edu/jewishstudiesatcul/2022/08/16/the-jews-of-corfu-between-the-adriatic-and-the-ionian/
For the exhibit at JTS: https://www.jtsa.edu/event/opening-event-jews-of-corfu/
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