With Rabbi Bentzion Ettlinger discussing the Shofar and the Halachos, Minhagim, and his new English Sefer about it
We discussed the reasons for Tekias Shofar, length of Tekia and minhagim, minhagim of Shevarim, minhagim of teruah, tekiah gedolah, kashrus of Shofaros, Baal Makri, eating kiddush before Tekias Shofar, blowing during silent Shemoneh Esrei or Chazaras HaShatz, haskamos for the Sefer, why in English, and more.
Also included R' Ettlinger blowing various examples. Apologies for the somewhat muffled sound on the Shofar due to the recording
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4 Responses
Sorry, but shofar kolos do not carry well via Zoom audio, I believe due to the decible level. I gave a presentation/shiur via zoom on Sunday evening. Unfortunately. there as well the sounds did not carry well. The in- person presentations for this, work much better.