With R’ Zvi Davidson discussing Rav Tzvi Hirsch Ferber (1879 – 1966) and his Seforim


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With R' Zvi Davidson discussing Rav Tzvi Hirsch Ferber (1879 – 1966) and his Seforim

We discussed Rav Ferber's background, his family, relationship wioth Rav Kook, Seforim and writings, new editions of the Seforim, and more.

To purchase the new edition of Rav Ferber's commentary on Siddur or Haggadah email rabbiferber@gmail.com

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One Response

  1. Hi, I am very interested to hear the podcast of Reb Zvi Davidson about Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Ferber ( I am the eldest Great Grandson) but there seems to be an issue with it on the website. All other titles have the option for me to request access from my filter Tecloq, but not this title.
    Could you perhaps send it directly to my email address please? it would be much appreciated.

    Thank you
    S Gurwicz

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