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Spanish Jewry Through the Ages, Episode 15: Prof. Matt Goldish – Rabbinic responsa throughout the Sephardic diaspora
We discussed a brief overview of the expulsion, conversos, and Spanish-Portugese Jews, what the “Sephardic diaspora” means in this coontext, the areas & time periods discussed, how responsa (shailos u'teshuvos) are used to tell a story, Rabbonim and Shu't Seforim discussed, and more
To purchase Prof. Goldish’s book, “ Jewish Questions: Responsa on Sephardic Life in the Early Modern Period”: https://amzn.to/3R9tQmM
To purchase Prof. Miriam Bodian's book, “Hebrews of the Portuguese Nation”: https://amzn.to/44jazTa
To purchase Daniel Swetschinski's, “Reluctant Cosmopolitans” https://amzn.to/3PpIDIY
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