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With Dr. Yakov Mayer discussing the first printing of the Talmud Yerushalmi
We discussed the history of print and the 16th century, Aldus Manutius, Daniel Bomberg, the Leiden manuscript of Yerushalmi, how the edition was edited, other manuscript(s) that were used for the first edition, Yaakov ben Chaim Ibn Adoniyahu, Rav David Pizzeghitaone, who edited the Yerushalmi, and more
To read an article by Dr. Mayer on the topic: https://www.ancientjewreview.com/read/2022/8/31/editio-princeps-the-1523-venice-edition-of-the-palestinian-talmud-and-the-beginning-of-hebrew-printing
To purchase the book: https://www.magnespress.co.il/book/Editio_Princeps-8320
To purchase “Nechemiah”: http://www.ybook.co.il/book/7679/%D7%A0%D7%97%D7%9E%D7%99%D7%94
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